Why have fairy tales persisted over the ages? Where do they come from? Why do they bewitch and beguile us? And what do fairy tales offer us on our paths toward individuation? This course answers these questions. It equips you to interpret the symbols and discover the archetypal patterns within fairy tales and it challenges you to write your own tale. Extensive commentaries on Snow White reveal the complexity and dimension in seemingly simple stories.

That doesn’t hap­pen, of course, but this course shows us how there is a
dif­fer­ent kind of “magic” in fairy tales, a magic we can use on our jour­ney. David Hart, Ph.D., a Jun­gian ana­lyst, author of numer­ous arti­cles on fairy tales, says, “The fairy tale is remark­able in that it can con­tain all sides of life: inner, outer, emo­tions, con­flict, regres­sions, pro­gres­sions; all is con­tained includ­ing what we con­sider as evil. Each of these ele­ments has its place, mean­ing and devel­op­ment toward real­iza­tion. Like the alchem­i­cal ves­sel which con­tains all the oppo­sites within itself, the fairy tale is a ves­sel of transformation.” Fairy tales began as sto­ries told in a cir­cle many, many years ago and come from the deeper parts of our uncon­scious. They have been changed over the years to make them “suit­able” for chil­dren, for whom many of us think they were writ­ten. The orig­i­nal fairy tales were not writ­ten down, but were
told to give a sense to those peo­ple, espe­cially women, that there
are answers to the dif­fi­cul­ties of life. Hap­pily, they were writ­ten down by the Broth­ers Grimm, who did not want them to disappear.

“Hap­pily”, because as Philip Zabriskie, Ph.D, Jun­gian ana­lyst and lec­turer, says, “Through his exten­sive work with the uncon­scious, Jung felt that fairy tales dealt with the con­flict of life. He con­sid­ered them
to be adult sto­ries, not about nor for children.”

In this course, we are pre­sented with the his­tory of fairy tales, where
they come from, and how do they offer us road signs on our var­i­ous
paths toward indi­vid­u­a­tion. Much of the mate­r­ial in the first five ses­sions comes from lec­tures given by Dr. Hart and Dr. Zabriskie. The lat­ter gives us a chance to look at com­men­tary about a par­tic­u­lar tale, famil­iar to us all, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This is fol­lowed in Ses­sion Five by a dif­fer­ent view of the same tale—you will find that inter­pre­ta­tions are those of the per­son work­ing with one, prefer­ably one that speaks loudly to that person.

Ses­sion Six gives a very spe­cial, syn­chro­nis­tic way for you to write a per­sonal fairy tale. Do not skip this ses­sion. It will speak to your life as it is at that given moment.

Fairy tales have seemed like light sto­ries but they are not. Try this
course and you will be sur­prised at its power.

Help­ful Pre­req­ui­site: Dreams-From These All Unit­ing Depths “Once upon a time” the sto­ries begin as we read them to the chil­dren
around us and we are soon caught up in these “mag­i­cal tales“which end
“they lived hap­pily ever after!” It would be mag­i­cal if we could live our lives as the char­ac­ters in fairy tales live theirs and always end up “hap­pily ever after”.

Happily Ever After Workbook
Author: Nancy and Peggy Sugars Narrator: Ann and William Baker Sessions: 6 Suggested Time: 2 hours per session Spiral Bound
Price: $30.00


Happily Ever After PDF Digital Download

Price: $21.00
Happily Ever After CDs
Author: Nancy and Peggy Sugars For those who wish to listen to the course content and follow along with the workbook, this 2 CD set can be added for $25. Narrator: Ann and William Baker Sessions: 6
Price: $25.00


Happily Ever After MP3 Digital Download

Price: $20.00

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